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Hello , my Golden got her first heat . We would like to spay her for long term health benefits. When is the best time to go for it ? And what is the after care and how long does it take to recover ?
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Hi Dr i have a husky 3 months old yesterday she ate rice with liver gravy (pet gravy) but today morning after woke up she did vomite can anyone help me why it’s happened?
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Favourite place is to cuddle up next to mumma on the bed 🧸🐻🐾🐾 #Scroll
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urgent adoption / foster appeal . she’s 45 days old vaccinated and dewormed . WhatsApp 9110698650
Hey, so my dog had a recent visit to a spa and subsequently developed a few rashes around the neck. His body has also been extra warm for the past 2 days. No additional behaviour changes and dietary routine is also as usual. I am assuming it’s an allergic reaction; any recommendations on antihistamines or should I book a vet consultation?
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