AAmrita Mukherjee27 days agoThere is a small swelling on my puppy’s front foot. Is this due to some injury? Saw it today for the first time.1142
1 year agoQnAI am looking for a trainer for my 9-10 month old Rottweiler. Would appreciate a reference or recommendation2 comments•53 views
2 years agoQnAI have golden boy 7 months old.he got deworming 1.5 months back.should I do deworming now?what is the exact gap for deworming for a 7 months old golden retriever?1 comments•36 views
2 years agoStories*Adoption Appeal* Meet Arya, our googly eyed munchkin 💗 🐶 Indie 🐶 Female 🐶 2.5 months old 🐶 Vaccinated and dewormed 🐶 Pee Potty trained 🐶 Good with other dogs Arya is full of energy, very playful, and most of all, the most adorable pupper ever. I mean, look at her! 🥹 She does not take time at all to open to others, she has so much love to offer. If you’re considering to adopt, please consider Arya. Location: Bangalore For more details, please message 9663782750.5 likes•1 comments•46 views
1 year agoQnAHi! My female lab is seen sometimes mounting/humping only on me while playing a little rough. She doesn't Mount on my spouse even though they play quite rough. What could be the reason for this difference in behaviour?2 likes•1 comments•255 views