Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello. How old is your cat ?
11 months
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Ok. If she is showing symptoms like vomiting after giving chicken and cat food, let this episode subside later you can restrict these to small amounts along with her normal diet. You can start giving chicken broth initially then shifting to shredded one then to pieces in small amounts. Even then she shows such symptoms, you can shift to other source of proteins. You can use Digyton syrup for 1 or 2 months just to correct her GI tract.
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Also refer food section in kuddle app which comes with multiple recipes having well balanced in nutrients. You can even opt for consultation with kuddle nutritionist to discuss in detail about this.
Ok Mam thnq so much π(0.5-1 ml daily Mam ?)
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Yes. Digyton Drops.. 1 ml twice daily.
Ok Mam
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