Dr. Shraddha Singh
It is scrotum swollen ?
Dr.Shalini Kapil
No, Penile swelling
Dr. Shraddha Singh
It could be TVT(Trans veneral tumor) or cystitis
Dr. Shraddha Singh
Has he mated/sniffed with any other animals genital ?
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Hello doctor. I have two Persian cats one male nd female . Since the day i have given my male cat a bath the female cat has started hitting him very badly ,hissing at him, screaming at him . And my male cat being innocent doesn't hit back .now he is hiding frm her i have tried to reunite thm a lot what could be the reason she is attacking at him nd how to fix this up and I am scared the male cat will lose his appetite because of her .. nd they stay in a room together so i am scared that she might hit him a lot . Tried to keep them detached also but nothing is working
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