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Hi! My 6 month female lab vomited this morning (around 4 A.M.) in which I could see a white worm. Later she pooped a part of which was normal but a part of it was not. Worms in the stools were not as clearly observed as in vomit. She has been dewormed on 12th of April with tablet canworm. She is active but she does not finish her meals at times from a week. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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Gimme-treato cute face alert! 🤤🐾
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Who likes to be awake anyway 👻? Happy weekend everybody!!
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This video is of my Tarzan, 6 year old Lapponian Herder Male dog..He has developed this chronic swelling with intermittent bloody discharge from urethral orifice. Otherwise, active and still has great appetite. Please suggest on the diagnosis and treatment of the same. Thanks in anticipation. P.S. He is staying at a farm house always roaming around freely.
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