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Nikhil Bansal
Dhruv Prakash
Hamari bacchi naam karab kar rhi hai iss photo me 🥺🥺
Please contact to this number 8297752482
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Winter care 101🥶⛄️ - 🌞Go outside when sun shines 🛏Keep their bed warm and cozy 🥥Use coconut oil for good moisturization 🍲Adjust calorie intake basis activity levels 💧Keep them hydrated 🐩Ensure clean, well-groomed coat to ensure proper insulation
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I have a lab named Google. All photos of him are my fav, but this one touched my heart, so inked on my heart. My fav memory wid him is an incident during my pregnancy when I slipped and fell. Nobody from my family was there. He waited for sometime for me to getup and being restless trying to help me but when he realised it didn't work out, he went and called my husband for help. If he wasn't there, nobody would know for long time & dat time he was only 4months old. so dogs r always there for hoomans, whether Hooman's are there or not for them
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