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He so friendly and well trained.
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Zelda had not been eating food properly from past few days, I thought she is just being picky about food so I gave her boiled chicken and a little rice today just to to see if that was the case. She ate the whole thing well but then pucked it out after 4 -5 hrs of having her meal. Is there a problem? (We give her healthy home cooked meal and no processed food). Also her stool looks fine and there has been no change in her day to day behaviour and she is still energetic, Plays well and everything.
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Can give this syrup in empty stomach? As my dog is not eating his food since morning, his stomach make noises too
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My dog is feeling uncomfortable since morning and not eating food and I feel he is try to vomit but can't and he also does little poops 6 times with dysentary and pee since morning . I gave him Liver 52 serup.And I also noticed worms in his poop since some days . I did his deworming on 19 october, should I deworm him now?
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