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Hello. I have a 4 month old Dobei. he’s active, eating fine. Vaccinated 1st shot of Rabies a couple of weeks ago and dewormed 10 days ago. He has been having Diarreah for the past 4 days. no fever as well. What would be the issue? What can I do? He is on Royal canin and home made boiled chicken and eggs
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My dog( 1year old shihtzu ) is a very picky eater, i have tried everything that a dog might like for example rice, curd, vegetables,sweet potatoes. He starves himself until he gets chicken and for obvious reasons i cannot feed him chicken all day, what to do And some other dog parent suggested me to stop feeding him kibbles because it is packed food and home made food is healthier for dogs, is that true?
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Hi Doc my puppy shitzu female got puppy dp and 7 in 1 vaccination 30 days ago . It was its first vaccination . Born on 25/11/2022 . What is the second set of vaccinations to be done and is the services provided by Kuddle
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What suppliments can i give to my 80 days old Shih Tzu?
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@ muskan porwal This is the picture about the body condition scoring in dogs And for the nutritionist opinion please opt for the nutritionist consultation window in the kuddle app itself, it's available main page only.
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