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hi, I am Sanjay from Karnataka, Bangalore rural,nidivand,SLVL layout I want a male puppy of a shihtzu with in the price of 2000 or 1000
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Can a 5 month old rottweiler eat chicken ? If yes what is the perfect amount to be given?
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My 4 months old Golden Retriever has started losing her teeth. Very little blood drops i can notice on her gums. Is this normal? What can i give her to soothe her pain?
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From past two days my shih tzu puppy (6 months) urine is smelling very bad.What are the possible causes?
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Adorable puppies available! My pet Chelsea gave birth to 8 lil beautiful souls. I'm looking for a forever home for these puppies. If you're interested please reach out to me on 9620830637 Note: we aren't breeders or resellers
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