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Is it okay to give my dog 1/4 Tramadol for discomfort of itching and panic post spaying (1week ago). She is very anxious and unable to sit/relax and is hardly sleeping.
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hi, I have 4.5 years female Lab and she is getting lot of skin issues. most of her skin around chest area and leg become red and she does lot of itching. please suggest any remedy except antibiotics.
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Hello experts, When can I start socialising my pup with other pups? She's about 9 wks old now. And 3rd round of vaccination is in next 2 weeks. I take her for very short walks within the apartment, but the moment she hears a dog barking somewhere she gets pretty scared and tries to get back to home. Is socialising with other pups too early now given the pending vaccinations?
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How to know whether the dog is pure breed or not?
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