Dr. Tajunnisa M
Hello. Can you post some clear pictures?
Dr. Tajunnisa M
Do you find any swelling?
iti mishra
Yes swelling is there
iti mishra
Let me try take clear picture.. he isn’t allowing to touch his paw
iti mishra
If you can see in video there is a pimple like thing..
iti mishra
iti mishra
He is a 4 month old Labrador male
iti mishra
Dr. Tajunnisa M
With just one pimple or papule, pets don't limp. Crying, unable bear weight and swelling could be due to pain. He must have hit something while walking or running?
Dr. Tajunnisa M
We also have to make sure there no foreign body like thorn etc inside the paw.
Dr. Tajunnisa M
The pain can be managed by analgesics but he definitely needs a clinical examination.
Dr. Tajunnisa M
If you are not from Bengaluru and no vets available nearby, you can opt for video consultation. Vet will guide you to examine and palpate the affected limb through video.
Dr. Anukarna Singh
Hi, in addition to that please wash his paws nicely preferably with some medicated shampoo like conaseb. If he lets you please clip the fur that will help you to visualise it better. Check for any foreign object like a piece of glass/ wood etc if you see something try to remove it. You can apply kiskin lotion for temporary relief but if the pain doesn't come down at all please get a physical examination done.
iti mishra
Thanks a lot.. I will follow it all and take video consultation if he allows to hold his leg
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