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My lab is not eating his food from past few days. He has become a fussy eater lately. He is ok eating biscuits or buns but not rice or other food. I and my wife leave him home alone when we go for office. Is this a reason he is not eating?
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Our Pomeranian 1.7 years pet frequently has below issues once in two weeks - 1. Vomit ( toxic foam like water ) 2. And if it gets severe he ll be very low for 2 to 3 days ( like he keeps standing at same place, it won't be active as normal days ). Food habit : 7 am : rice + curd + milk 2pm : rice + curd + some vegetables ( this we started from yesterday ) 7 pm : rice + curd + milk Please suggest what needs to be done or is there any serious problem.
Kya cool hai hum!!
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Treatment for ticks
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