1 year agoStoriesThis is my stud puppy.the eyes r blue in colour that’s why we named him blue!! Ps the pics r terrible3 likes•4 comments•59 views
1 year agoQnAHello doctors/pet parents, I have a male shih tzu, 4 months old. For the first time i introduced chicken with veggies to him in small portions 2 times a day (approx 60 gms in total). On the same day i feeded quinoa (also first time) with veggies, 1 egg, kibbles etc (his daily meal plans throught out the day). Due to change in food, he had diarrhea and loose motion 5 times. I gave him pumpkin today and seems its subsided, he hasn't pooped yet. I think i might have overfed him on the day of introducing chicken. Should have done in phases and gradually. i believe quinoa (due to high fiber) might have caused the loose motion or may be chicken itself. So my question - when can i next introduce chicken to him again? Thanks.2 comments•64 views
1 year agoStoriesCeaser got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️6 likes•1 comments•39 views
1 year agoStoriesHi! Please connect me on Instagram “devdezign” or “berrry_thebeagle” for pet photography!7 likes•1 comments•232 views