Dr. Dhavalashree M
Please take him to the vet and get the physical examination done. Please add calcium to his diet until he turns one year old
Sandeep Sundar
Hello Doctor. Thanks for the reply. However, he was taken to the vet and it’s the vet who prescribed him these tablets. All I heard from the vet was this is an auto-immune to which I did not understand clearly and wanted a second opinion

Dr. Dhavalashree M
Polyarthritis is an auto immune disease where you will see swelling in the multiple joints generally noticed in the elbow and knee joints. If your dog is experiencing the same thing, then your dog's immune system is fighting back against his own body tissues which is joints in his case.
Shirin Mammen
My beagle arya too suddenly started limping, and I could not see any visible injuries or swelling. I'm giving her 'relaxyme ' tabs.. Twice a day for a week(as suggested by her vet in Chennai). I also use amrutanjan joint spray, when her limp is really bad. Now it's 3 days. Waiting and hoping that she will get better.
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