Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
How old is the pet and is it a male or female??
Khushboo Choudhary
He is male 3 year

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
Get him neutered so that he may become less aggressive
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Adoption appeal for Ginger is an easy going, carefree boy who will follow you everywhere happily. His goblin like ears, small white beard, small woff-woff for food/love and joyfully jumping at the same place will steal your heart. He loves sitting in lap, napping or just gazing at stars 🙂. He likes to play with other dogs or chew his toys alone at peace! He eats his food slowly and gradually enjoying each morsel. He is dewormed and vaccinated, is getting poty trained. He has recently learnt 'sit and go' commad. Since he has stayed with his sibling till now, he will need a little time to get used to being alone. To adopt him WhatsApp 9110698650
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Hello. I am a new cat parent. I got it as my birthday gift. It's a 2 month old Persian cat. Can anyone tell me when should it be fed and groomed ??
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Hi mam my 2month old lab puppy legs are bend what shud I feed him
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I need a corse to dog grooming