Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
It's because of the indigestion Try to give him plain water first if he throws up that also better to take him to vet or can get the home visit appointment by a vet
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Hello doctor. I have two Persian cats one male nd female . Since the day i have given my male cat a bath the female cat has started hitting him very badly ,hissing at him, screaming at him . And my male cat being innocent doesn't hit back .now he is hiding frm her i have tried to reunite thm a lot what could be the reason she is attacking at him nd how to fix this up and I am scared the male cat will lose his appetite because of her .. nd they stay in a room together so i am scared that she might hit him a lot . Tried to keep them detached also but nothing is working
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looking for a full time dog sitter for my 2 year old indie girl. Any leads would be very much appreciated, fully willing to train someone in walking her as long as they have compassion for dogs🙏
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my 10 month old German shepherd is throwing up every morning for the last one week. everything else apart from. this - her energy levels, appetite and her stools are all normal. is there anything I can do
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