Dr. Chaitra
Hi madam.....Is there any other symptoms except limping and how it started initially..... what is the age of your pet and the breed?...how is the food intake and everything?
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Hi there, I have a 3 months old rescued Indie, he is yet to be vaccinated with Rabies shot. Last night he bit me wherein some amount of blood came. should I be worried and get rabies shot for myself ?
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Congratulations 🥳🥳🥳 Simba (Pet Parent- Sai Teja) correctly predicted the number of boundaries Rohit Sharma hit today! 🏏🇮🇳 Congratulations on winning Flat 50% Off on Simba’s next grooming session 🐶 Offer valid till 26th November, 2023 🚨
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Hello Doctor ..I saw this on my Sparkle's body. Not sure what it is can you pls help. This is near his urinating area... I took him to vet n he prescribed below medicines. From Saturday we r giving this twice after food 1.5 tab in breakfast n 1.5 tab in dinner. Redness has decreased but I noticed he is low on energy n is peeing a lot... more than usual. Can you pls suggest 🙏
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My 6month old Doberman has a swollen paw (just one pad). He’s in pain, he cries at times. Doesn’t allow us to touch either. As far as I looked, unable to find any foreign object. How should I treat it? And what all could be the possible reason?
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