NNaveen Kumar1 year agoHi i have labroder of 10 months having barking issue at morning 3 am to 4am daily any solution for this585
2 years agoStoriesAdoption / foster appeal for COCO✨🐣 Summer is a one month old indie vet checked . Her deworm and vaccination in progress She’s such a happy Baby she loves to run around and steal hearts ♥️ To adopt her WhatsApp 9110698650 /dm us35 views
2 years agoStoriesThis is my stud puppy.the eyes r blue in colour that’s why we named him blue!! Ps the pics r terrible3 likes•4 comments•78 views
1 year agoStories“This is my mugshot. I killed an mini aligator for growling at me and mom” - Prince Poor aligator only wanted to play w him :(10 likes•3 comments•45 views
2 years agoQnAI have a boxer male age 4 year I have not even did a Stud for him does it gives any side affects for him any leads tell me1 comments•45 views