One of the recipes for Shihtzus says to boil chicken neck along with boneless chicken. Is it safe to give dogs boiled bones.. I've heard nutritionists say we shudnt feed boiled bones. Pls clarify. Thanx.
Hello, Namrata
Don't provide boiled bones to your pet, as after boiling bones become more brittle and may be broken down into several sharp shards so after ingestion it may cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract, so do avoid giving boiled bones
Hi, Prarthana
Yes, raw bones are usually safer than the cooked ones and always provide larger sized bones according to the pet size, do not give smaller chicken bones which may break off and cause health issues, should always be monitored when they will be chewing bones.
I have seen a video in which they mentioned chicken neck bones have cartilage and they r completely safe for doggos. Dr. Pooja can you pls confirm if it is correct.