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Sai Meghana

I was suggested in a Kuddle training session that I can give my two-month old golden retriever rice, curd, chicken, mashed veggies and eggs instead of the Royal canin puppy starter food that I had been feeding him for the past five weeks. I used to give 240grams of the royal canin food everyday, but I’m unsure if the rice etc that I am giving will be sufficient for him in terms of quantity as well as nourishment. I’m not sure if he’s shouting because he’s hungry or simply because we aren’t playing enough with him. How do I figure out if he is hungry? Kindly suggest how I can ensure he gets the needed nutrition.

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Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi

What the trainer suggested is correct only no need to worry about that, home food is always better than packed foods



Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi

And to know whether the puppy is hungry see that he looks towards the food bowl after finishing his food if he is doing that u can increase the quantity of food



Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi

U can give him some dog biscuits and treats as a snack for him so that he wonot feel bored



Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi

And as he is 2 months old u have to give 4-5 meals a day, after 6 months u can change it to 3 times



Sai Meghana

Yes I understand home food is best, I am just concerned if he will get all the required nutrition from it. I am giving curd rice with boiled egg and one mashed vegetable for most meals, I hope that is okay



Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi

That is fine start given him chicken broth if he likes and no vomiting and diarrhoea then u can start giving him boiled chicken also with his food which will complete his nutrition, u can start giving chicken after 3 months of age



Sai Meghana

He is also eating anything and everything that he finds on the floor, dried flowers, leaves and sometimes I see him trying to eat stones too which I forcefully take out of his mouth. Is there anything I can do about this?



Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi

This behaviour will be there in puppy stages tell ur trainer about this he will help u in this situation