Dr. Shraddha Singh
After 45 days you can get them vaccinated

Dr. Shraddha Singh
Again after the 21 days you’ll have to get a booster

Dr. Shraddha Singh
Totally 3 combined and 2 rabies vaccines.. then annually once

Dr. Shraddha Singh
Anti rabies should be given after 90 days of age
How I get them vaccinated

Dr. Shraddha Singh
You can book a slot through the kundle app

Dr. Kaveri Giriraddi
1st vaccine-45 days of age-DHPPi+l After 21 days- DHPPI+l After 21 days - DHPPI+l+rabies After 21 days-rabies Yearly shot- DHPPI+l+rabies Deworming upto 6 months once in amount Deworming after 6 months of age is once in 3 months
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