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My dog lab is suddenly started limping his front leg from yesterday what could be the reason not able to findout bcs whenever we wanted to touch his leg he is becoming agressive and trying to bite us
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How do we treat fleas in dogs?
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Every year thousands of streeties die due to Road Accidents. Reflective Collars help reduce the risk of accidents by making it easier to spot the streeties in low-light. This New Year, Team Kuddle took an initiative by conducting Reflective Collar Drive for the safety of street dogs. We invite you all to volunteer with us as we donate reflective collars for free all across Bangalore. DM us on Instagram or Twitter to learn more. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cm59TeJB2-u/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
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Foxy got groomed today from Kuddle and is absolutely loving it! ❤️❤️
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