Hello doc
This street dog was attacked by other dogs.. nd he has been retching since then.. I've cleaned the wound and fed him. could you please recommend what to do and antiseptic for the wound.. 😞 there's no rescue nearby..also no vet available.
Hi. I pity him. If he is bitten by other dogs, getting post bite anti rabies vaccination is compulsory. Other than that, clip/shave the hair around the wound and clean it with Betadine solution and apply Betadine ointment with D'mag spray for next 7 to 10 days.
thank you for responding 💗
i got the Dmag spray not the betadine ointment will that work? and for the vaccine they don't give vaccine here as it's a street dog with no owner, if asked they charged twice than the actual price...
i dont know his weight :( will he heal wid the ointment itself?
also i wanted to update you regarding the treatment you recommended for my pet skin's issues.. he is healed and scratching very less than before, the paws allergy is completely gone , also his UTI is healing as the pee don't stink like earlier and he don't lick his private areas too much Thank you so much 🥰
Yes, the wound should heal with the use of ointment but D'mag spray is important to avoid maggots. Considering 25 kgs as his weight, you can give Tablet Melonex 2.5 mg (1-0-1) after food and Tab Cephavet 300mg (1-0-1) after food for next 5 days. Try to get anti rabies vaccination on priority