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Hello doctor. My 5 month old kitten has cough and phlegm since today morning. She is trying to spit it out but unable to do it easily, she spat out a little clear gooey liquid. She does not have runny nose but looks very uncomfortable. How can I help her ??
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“YOUR DOG DOESN’T NEED ANY FRIENDS” Socialization doesn’t mean that your pet should greet every human or animal that they meet. It means that they can stay stress-free in different environments and situations. It’s okay if your dog doesn’t want to be pet by other humans. It’s okay if your dog doesn’t want to play with other doggos. It’s okay to not take your pet with you everywhere you go. It doesn’t make you a bad pet parent. Understand your dog’s behavior and preferences and respect their boundaries. Socialization is extremely important but it can backfire if not done correctly. If you have any questions around socialization, and wish to get started with your pet’s training, comment below 👇
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